Recording, Financial Sense¢: Nov. 16 Wealth Wisdom, Share Your Favorite Personal Finance Resources

Attention Penny Forward supporters

We were excited to invite you to Penny Forward’s November Financial Sense¢ program. We all know how overwhelming the endless flood of personal finance advice can be these days – books, podcasts, YouTube, TikTok – it’s everywhere! And let’s not forget the challenge of making sure it’s accessible to the blind community and, of course, useful.


Notes from program


How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie (on Amazon)

Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities

You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Bad with Money: The Imperfect Art of Getting Your Financial Sh*t Together

The simple path to wealth: your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life

The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness

Rich Dad Poor Dad, What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!“ by Robert Kiyosaki

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey


Baby Steps Millionaires: by Dave Ramsey

Love Your Life Not Theirs, by Rachel Cruze

Dollars & $ense: a kid’s guide to using–not losing–money,” by Elaine Scott

Planning for the later years by United States Social Security Administration.

You’re fifty– now what?: investing for the second half of your life, By Charles Schwab


Podcast (Links are to Apple feed)

About that Wallet

Afford Anything

SoFi Daily 

Bad With Money

Borrowed Future

Budget Nerds

Choice Hacking

Crazy Money

Financial  Feminist

Frugal Friends

Her Dinero Matters

Her Money

How to Money

Live Life Rich


More podcast MOe didn’t get to

All About Capital Campaigns

Dr. Sev Talks Money

Everyones Talking Money

Eyes on Your Money (This one has stopped and is a Canadian disability podcast)

Finance Explained by Family Finance Mom (this one is a replay of her IG lives)

Financially Intentional  (Use to be a podcast about nursing, and has a lot of replays of older podcast when it was this topic)

For Better and Worth

I will Teach You to be Rich

Inside Out Money

Inspired Budget

Jill on Money

Keep What You Earn

Liz Gets Loaded

Making Good

Marriage Kids and Money

Money Talk with Tiff

More Money (Canadian podcast)

Optimal Finance Daily

Other’s People’s Pockets

Penny Forward

Real Money Real Experts

Simplify and Enjoy

So Money

Standard Deviations

Sustainable Minimalist

Talking Real Money

The Money Bare (This one suddenly stopped updating so I don’t know if it’s still going on.)

The Money with Katie Show

The Personal Finance Podcast

The She’s So Money Podcast (This one is based out of the UK, and also don’t know if it is still updating.)

The Stacking Benjamins Show

The YNAB Podcast (You Need a Budget)

This is Awkward (This one is ending soon)

Weird Finance

What the Fundraising

You are the Brand

Friends on Fire (This one has ended)

My Millennial Money (This one is out of Aus.)


Missed the program?

Our Financial Sense program is open to the public. Therefore not only can you listen to the recording below, you can also watch the replay on Facebook or Youtube.


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