
Cheerful young woman Talking into megaphone

Welcome to the Penny Forward Blog, your go-to source for the latest updates, news, and upcoming events. At Penny Forward, we believe in fostering financial empowerment for individuals who are blind, and our blog is a dynamic hub where you can stay informed about the impactful strides we’re making. From groundbreaking initiatives to insightful stories of resilience, our blog is designed to keep you connected with the heart of our mission. Explore the latest developments, stay in the know about upcoming events, and join us on the journey to create a world where financial health is accessible to everyone, regardless of their visual abilities. Your path to empowerment starts here.

  • Changes Are Coming to How You Access Social Security’s Online Services

    Social Security Administration7/12/2024 Social Security is making changes to the way you access Social Security’s online services, including your personal my Social Security account. The changes will simplify your sign-in experience and align with federal authentication standards. At the same time, they’re continuing to provide safe and secure access to their online services. If you created your my Social…

  • IRS Tips: Part-Time and Seasonal Jobs

    The video “Part-Time and Seasonal Jobs” provides insights into finding and securing part-time or seasonal employment. It discusses the benefits of such jobs, including flexibility, extra income, and gaining work experience. The video offers tips on where to look for these opportunities, such as job boards, company websites, and local businesses. It also highlights the…

  • Wednesday Workshop Recording: July 10 – What Does Financial Independence Mean to You?

    We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Wednesday Workshop on July 10th! While our team will be attending the American Council of the Blind (ACB) convention, we have prepared a special pre-recorded session just for you. In this engaging workshop, we’ll explore the various ways people assert their financial independence when it comes…

  • Wednesday Workshop Recording: July 3 – Debt Detox

    Guest members and site visitors will need to upgrade or create an account to get access to this recording. Are you ready to take control of your financial future and eliminate debt for good? Join us for our upcoming Debt Detox Workshop, designed to provide you with the tools and strategies to become debt-free and…

  • Podcast Episode Released to Public: The AT Guys Story with J.J. Meddaugh

    Chris and Liz sit down with J.J. Meddaugh, founder of AT Guys, to learn how he took a chance on starting an access technology business 16 years ago, and why he thinks it continues to thrive. Show notes Connect with AT Guys AT Guys Website: AT Guys Facebook Profile: https:/// AT Guys LinkedIn Profile:…

  • Recording Tuesday’s Turning Pages Book Brunch July 2: The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money

    We read ‘Introduction’ and ‘Dumb Thing #1: You buy financial products you don’t understand.’ We have provided the recording for those that may not have been able to join, or for those that wish to replay some of the conversation. Please note that these recordings may be edited for privacy or may contain pauses where…

  • Penny Forward Unveils ‘Employment Essentials’ Course to Transform Job Searching for the Blind

    Minneapolis, MN – As the nation eagerly anticipates a midsummer pause to reflect on our nation’s independence, Penny Forward INC, a dedicated 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization rooted in Minnesota, is thrilled to unveil its new financial literacy initiative designed to empower greater independence within the visually impaired community. Entitled “Employment Essentials: A Guide to Finding and…

  • Social Security Updates Occupations List Used in Disability Evaluation Process

    Social Security administers disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. While the agency’s disability decision process remains sound, it continually seeks improvements to ensure its disability programs remain current and to ease the burden on customers. In determining disability claims for adults, Social…

  • Wednesday Workshop Recording: June 26 – Business Brilliance, An Experienced Entrepreneur Shares Strategies for Success

    Guest members and site visitors will need to upgrade or create an account to get access to this recording. Are you a blind or visually impaired entrepreneur looking to gain valuable insights and practical advice from a successful business owner? Our final workshop of June, “Business Brilliance: An Experienced Entrepreneur Shares Strategies for Success,” is…

  • New Study Opportunity with NFB

    The Neuroplasticity and Development Lab invites participants to take part in research studies at the NFB convention 2024 in Orlando. The studies involve reading braille, listening to brief stories and sentences and answering questions. The goal of this research is to better understand how experience contributes to cognition and how the human brain supports braille.…