Book Review: You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

You Are a Badass at Making Money

by Jen Sincero


Reviewer’s Thoughts:

The title of this book alone was enough to peak my interest and decide to pick it up. I am pleased to report that enjoyment of this book went beyond its title. Written in easy-to-understand  language and presented in chapters that I found very easy to relate to, the message of this book is that we all-every single one of us-have the power to take charge of our finances and make enough money to support the life we want for ourselves.

Jen Sincero lays out the framework for how to reframe our thoughts behind money itself as well as the thought process and actions behind how to begin making more money. She does this by dispelling certain misconceptions behind the concept of money (the idea of being rich is synonomous with a very high dollar figure), taking the reader through different thought exercises (write down five positive words to describe money) and providing certain manras to verbalize aloud (“I love money, because it lets me be the most I can be”). She also includes stories that explain how people have overcome challenges in their lives to become more financially secure. Most chapters end with a section that guides the reader through how to put the contents of the chapter into practice. While mentioning that it is helpful and highly encouraged to surround yourself with people who will help and be supportive of you along your financial journey (including people who will push you further than you may think to push yourself), the author strongly aserts that the path to greater financial security and wealth starts first with you and how you view your own financial future.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend this book to anyone at any stage of their financial journey as there is something in it for everyone. In addition to practical advice, this book does not disappoint on the sense of humor front as Jen Sincero interweaves bits of humor that at times literally had me laughing out loud! After reading this book, you will be on your way to taking charge of your financial future and making the life that you want for yourself.


Book Details


You Are a Badass at Making Money



Jen Sincero



NLS Audio Book: 7 hours, 1 minute

Book Pages: 288 pages (hardcover


Copyright: Penguin Life (April 18, 2017)


NLS Description:

Author of You Are a Badass (DB 91581) presents a guide to personal finance. Topics include budgeting, adjusting your mindset, following your dreams, and developing smart personal-finance practices. Includes exercises on budgeting and shifting mindset. Strong language. Commercial audiobook. 2017.


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