Tonight! Financial Sense¢: Nov. 16 Wealth Wisdom, Share Your Favorite Personal Finance Resources

Attention Penny Forward supporters

We’re super excited to invite you to Penny Forward’s November Financial Sense¢ program. We all know how overwhelming the endless flood of personal finance advice can be these days – books, podcasts, YouTube, TikTok – it’s everywhere! And let’s not forget the challenge of making sure it’s accessible to the blind community and, of course, useful.


What to expect

We want to hear from you! We’d love for you to share your favorite personal finance, business, or self-help resource with our friendly audience. Just come ready to tell us:
1. The resource title.
2. Who’s behind it (the author or creator).
3. Where we can find it (URL or location).
4. What made you love it so much.
Whether it’s a book that changed your financial game, a podcast that’s your weekly go-to, a YouTube channel that makes complex ideas simple, or a TikTok video that’s short, sweet, and packed with wisdom – we’re all ears!
But don’t worry if you haven’t found your ideal resource yet. You can let us know that too. There’s a good chance someone in the crowd might have just the thing you’ve been looking for and would be happy to share.
At Penny Forward, we’re all about creating a supportive and engaging community where we learn from each other’s experiences. Your input will be super valuable, and we can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
So, save the date, and let’s make this event a real resource-sharing party!


Save the Date

Nov. 16, 2023.

7:30pm Eastern, 6:30pm Central,  5:30pm Mountain, 4:30pm Pacific.


We will be on zoom, Facebook Live, Youtube Live, and Clubhouse.

Register for Zoom information

Clubhouse House Link

Clubhouse Event Link

Our Facebook Page

Our Youtube Channel



Send any comments or questions to…


Thank you for your interest in Penny Forward’s Financial Sense¢ program. By coming together to share our experiences, we can create a more inclusive and accessible financial system for all. We hope to see you on Nov. 16, for this important conversation.

The Penny Forward Team

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