Starting Soon! Financial Sense¢: How to Save $1,500 Annually by Reducing Food Waste, 6:30 CT

Attention Penny Forward supporters

We are excited to invite you to this month’s edition of the Financial Sense¢ program, where we will be delving into a topic that affects us all: food waste. According to a December 2022 Fortune article, it was revealed that Americans squander approximately one-third of the food they purchase. Shockingly, this equates to the average family discarding a staggering $1,500 worth of unused food annually.

In an effort to make a positive impact on both our wallets and the environment, this month’s Financial Sense¢ program will focus on practical strategies to avoid food waste. We believe that together, we can make a significant change by implementing some straightforward yet effective techniques.


What to expect

During our program, we will delve into valuable tips and strategies on how to maintain a balanced budget during this transitional period. From adjusting entertainment expenses to managing back-to-school costs, we will explore various practical methods to keep your finances on track as the leaves begin to change.

Moreover, we’ll be revealing insights into the types of items that are likely to be on sale in August and September. This knowledge will empower you to seize the best deals on various products, making it a great opportunity to save money while shopping for your needs and wants.


Save the Date

Sept. 21, 2023.

7:30pm Eastern, 6:30pm Central,  5:30pm Mountain, 4:30pm Pacific.


We will be on zoom, Facebook Live, Youtube Live, and Clubhouse.

Register for Zoom information

Clubhouse House Link

Clubhouse Event Link

Our Facebook Page

Our Youtube Channel



Send any comments or questions to…


Thank you for your interest in Penny Forward’s Financial Sense¢ program. By coming together to share our experiences, we can create a more inclusive and accessible financial system for all. We hope to see you on Sept. 21st, for this important conversation.

The Penny Forward Team

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