Ralphie’s Christmas Tale: Shooting for the Stars

Ralphie, from "A Christmas Story", shooting his air rifle

A Message from Penny Forward Founder and CEO, Chris Peterson

With the holiday spirit in full swing, I can’t help but think about one of my all-time favorite Christmas movies – “A Christmas Story.” You know, the one with Ralphie Parker and his obsession with that Red Ryder air rifle.

Incase you haven’t seen it, it’s the story of 9-year-old Ralphie in 1940s Indiana, and all he wants for Christmas is that sweet Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle. But his mom, his teacher, and even a grumpy Santa at Higbee’s department store are all like, “You’ll shoot your eye out!” What a bunch of Debbie Downers!

Come Christmas morning, Ralphie’s got a stack of presents, but no rifle in sight. Oh well… Maybe next year… But then, his dad (“The Old Man”) points him to a sneaky box in the corner – jackpot! Turns out, it’s the air rifle, and Ralphie goes to bed that night thinking it’s the best Christmas present ever.

Now, here’s the real gem in Ralphie’s story: his dad believed in him. Everyone else was all “you’ll shoot your eye out,” but not The Old Man. That vote of confidence turned a cool gift into the ultimate Christmas present.

Now, let’s talk life lessons. As blind people, we often get protected like Ralphie, but how many people really believe we can handle the big guns (metaphorically speaking)? Not many. But just like Ralphie, it takes that one person who’s got your back.

So, as we navigate through the holidays, keep Ralphie in mind. Be persistent about your dreams, even if everyone else is saying you’re gonna get hurt. Look for the people who have faith in you, the ones who let you fail a couple of times because they know you’ll bounce back stronger.

In the end, the best gift you’ll ever get isn’t under the tree; it’s the confidence to go after your dreams.

Now, in the spirit of Ralphie’s perseverance, we’re reaching out to you this holiday season because we hope you’ll consider putting your confidence in us. Just like Ralphie, we’ve been growing fast since we launched our first online course, “Taking On Taxes,” back in March 2022. Since then, we’ve rolled out four more courses, participated in numerous blindness conventions, and hosted over 79 Wednesday Workshops.

Your support can propel us even further, enabling the creation of more courses and workshops and adapting them to cutting-edge technologies like Amazon Alexa devices. We have a grand vision—to empower all blind people with the financial know-how to shape the lives they want. Your donations, in the true spirit of Christmas giving, will be the best present we could ever receive.

Please use the form below to set up a $20 monthly recurring donation to empower blind people as we build bright futures one penny at a time.


Thank you and enjoy a wonderful holiday season,


Chris Peterson

Founder and CEO, Penny Forward

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