Rallying Together: A Call for Support from a Penny Forward Member

A Message from Penny Forward Founder and CEO, Chris Peterson

Dear Penny Forward Community,

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I’m reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a unique request that goes beyond our usual financial advice and investment discussions. As the founder and CEO of Penny Forward, I rarely make personal appeals, but there are times when our community spirit can make a significant impact on someone’s life.

One of our own, Desiree Christian, has been an integral part of the Penny Forward family for the past year. She has been working tirelessly to launch an online business that offers humorous disability-themed clothing and clothing modification services tailored for individuals with special needs. It’s a venture that not only showcases Desiree’s creativity but also aims to make a positive impact on the lives of those with unique challenges.

However, life has thrown a series of challenges Desiree’s way, testing the resilience of her spirit. Earlier this year, she tragically lost one of her daughters. Now, her remaining daughter, Zoe, has been hospitalized for the majority of the last month. Desiree and her family have been by Zoe’s side throughout this ordeal, providing the love and support that only a family can give.

Despite the emotional strain, Desiree faces practical challenges. Affording suitable food during Zoe’s hospital stay has proven to be a financial burden, and the transportation costs to and from the hospital multiple times a day are adding up. In this trying time, Desiree has reached out to us, her Penny Forward family, for support.

Desiree has set up an ABLE account, a tax-advantaged savings account designed to help individuals with disabilities build resources while still receiving essential government benefit programs. This is where we can make a real difference. By contributing to Desiree’s ABLE account, we can ease the financial burden she faces and provide the support needed during this challenging period.

If you’d like to help Desiree and her family, please consider contributing to her ABLE account by visiting her gifting page. Most ABLE accounts come with an online gifting option, making it convenient for friends and family to offer direct support. It’s a gesture that goes beyond the traditional fundraising platforms, as ABLE accounts do not carry the additional taxes and fees associated with other crowdfunding methods.

To contribute and show your support, please visit Desiree’s ABLE account gifting page.

If you’re unfamiliar with ABLE accounts and would like to learn more, I encourage you to visit the ABLE National Resource Center or reach out to us at Penny Forward. We’re here to assist, and together, we can make a meaningful impact on Desiree’s life during this challenging time.

Thank you for considering this heartfelt request. Our community has always been defined by its compassion and willingness to support one another. Let’s come together once again to make a positive difference in the life of a fellow member.

Wishing you and your loved ones health and happiness.

Warm regards,

Chris Peterson

Founder and CEO

Penny Forward

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