Penny Forward Podcast: Can I Afford a Guide Dog?

As we at Penny forward are getting ready for the AFCPE Symposium and preparing for the Thanksgiving Holiday, we thought we would dive into the archive and pull up a podcast that hits close to home for many of our members that take part in the members only group chat.


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Liz and Chris are both guide dog users. And we were curious about how affordable a guide dog might be. Especially to someone on a lower income. Guide dogs aren’t for everybody, but for some people, guide dogs can offer more independence and freedom than traveling with a cane. But, if you’re considering having a guide dog, there is some added cost, and some added responsibility. So we invited Jake Koch, from Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Raphael California and Boring Oregon, to come on the show to talk to us about the costs of owning a guide dog, and what it takes to get a guide dog, what happens during class, and what happens after you go home.


Listen Below…

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