Penny Forward on What’s the Matter With Kids Today tonight Jan 23 8pm ET

Have questions on starting a family? How much does it cost? How do I afford transportation? When do I start saving for my child’s college? Should my child start working? Is allowance a good idea? When do I open bank accounts for my children? Should I be contributing to my retirement while raising a family? Penny Forward will be answering money questions like this and more about family financial matters on tonight’s monthly blind parent support group call.


What’s the Matter With Kids Today

This is a monthly blind parent support group that meets currently on the 4th Mondays. It is an ACB Community call on the daily community schedule. To get this daily schedule email please send an email to will also be sending out information on how to participate to our members and supporters this afternoon.

This call is brought to the ACB Community from a Facebook group Parenting Out of Sight Kids. Where you must be a parent or guardian of a child between the ages of 0-21.


How to access

If you need more information on how to get into tonight’s call please email

Zoom Room

The zoom room link is available in today’s ACB Community schedule.


You will be able to find tonight’s call in the ACB Community clubhouse club.

ACB Media

You will be able to listen in only on ACB Media 5. This is our least favorite option as you will not be able to ask questions or interact with us.



8pm Eastern

7pm Central

6pm Mountain

5pm Pacific

3pm Hawaii


Can’t join?

You can comment with any questions you may have here, or send them to

We will most likely be sharing highlights from the call with you here on the blog, as a future podcast.

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