Help Us Train Up To Three Accredited Financial Counselors

Since I founded Penny Forward last September, I and the board have been working hard to build online courses, group chats, and one to one coaching to help our blind members improve their financial health. I’m very proud of what we’ve done so far, and the reaction from the blind community has been amazing! Thanks to your help we’ve:

  • Welcomed 27 members
  • Raised $1,920 from individual donors like you
  • Received $75,000 in grant funding from Wells Fargo to develop a comprehensive accessible curriculum
  • And so much more

Our work isn’t done, though, and the demand for high-quality coaching is increasing fast. To address this, Penny Forward is working with the Association For Financial Counseling And Planning Education, AFCPT®, to train three Accredited Financial Counselors to work with our members. These counselors will:

  • Address their immediate money challenges.
  • Create personalized plans to achieve their unique goals & dreams.
  • Build sustainable foundations for long-term financial well-being.

Will you help us to train these counselors by telling your friends and family about Penny Forward and the important work we’re doing to help blind people navigate the complicated landscape of personal finance by sharing the link below.

Click Here To Train Up To Three Financial Counselors

Finally, thank you for supporting Penny Forward. It means a lot to me and, with your help, we’re already positively changing the lives of blind people. I’m excited to see how much more we can do with more trained counselors to help us.

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