Financial Boost Friday: Apply for a chance to be Picked, Travel Survey, ACB Convention Theme, White House Fellowship

The below program solicitation is being provided for informational purposes only. Penny Forward has simply been sent this information through other groups, and wants to share with all any possibilities for having an opportunity to have a chance at a little more money.

You will find each program at heading level 3, and more details at heading level 4




Solo Female Travelers


This is a short survey that is about traveling solo as a female for leisure. This company is not tied to the blindness community, but MOe figures why not share are concerns with traveling solo with disabilities.

There is a chance to win $500. There will be 3 people picked when they close the survey. I did not see when this would happen. My guess is the survey closes at the end of the year 2023. There is a survey for if you have traveled solo or for if you have not traveled solo, so all those that identify as female may pick the survey that fits them. I wanted to make sure to note the leisure as this was not how I have traveled solo this year, and mine has been for business and that changed the answers I gave.

Link to survey


ACB Convention Theme 2024


Now is the time to put on your thinking caps and help determine the theme for our upcoming convention in Jacksonville, Florida! Below is a list of past themes.
2021 (Virtual): ACB, Better Together Wherever We Are
2022 (Omaha) ACB: Here, There and Everywhere!
2023: ACB Winds of Change!
Send your ideas to, with “theme” in the subject line. The winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. The submission deadline is December 31st.


2024-2025 White House Fellowship


The application for the 2024-2025 White House Fellows Program is now open.
The 2024-2025 White House Fellows Program year will begin in August 2024, and conclude in August 2025. All applicants must be United States citizens, and must have completed their undergraduate education. With the exception of active-duty military personnel, federal government employees are not eligible to apply.
Selection criteria include:
• A record of remarkable early-career professional achievement.
• Evidence of leadership skills and the potential for further growth.
• A demonstrated commitment to public service.
• The skills to succeed at the highest levels of the federal government and the ability to work effectively as part of a team.
Interested individuals may apply at

The application will remain open until January 5, 2024, at 3 p.m. Eastern time. Any applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Questions about the program may be directed to

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