Exciting News: Penny Forward Receives First Securities Donation!

Hey Penny Forward family!

I’m thrilled to share some incredible news! Earlier this week, we announced that Penny Forward is now accepting donations in the form of securities. Today, I’m ecstatic to announce that we’ve received our very first securities donation! This is a monumental step towards ensuring our future sustainability. This move isn’t just about securing funding; it’s a strategic play towards building an endowment that will anchor the long-term health of our organization. This means we can continue providing accessible, affordable financial education to the blind community for many more years to come.

Why Donate Securities?

You might be wondering, why should you consider donating securities? Well, let me break it down for you: it’s a win-win situation. For donors, giving stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated in value can be far more beneficial than cash donations. Here’s the magic: when you transfer these assets directly to a nonprofit like Penny Forward, you typically don’t have to pay capital gains taxes. Plus, you can claim a charitable deduction for the full market value of the donation. This means you can significantly reduce the cost of your donation while maximizing its impact.

Imagine this: you’re not just contributing to a cause that’s close to your heart, but you’re also managing your financial portfolio more effectively. It’s a smart move that benefits everyone involved.

A Heartfelt Thanks to Gena Harper

I’m over the moon to announce that Gena Harper has taken the first step toward supporting our long-term health by donating stock to Penny Forward. If you don’t know Gena, let me introduce you. I first met Gena through our mutual acquaintance, Penn Street, about a year ago. Gena has been a highly successful blind financial advisor with Morgan Stanley, and she was immediately excited and impressed with our mission to provide accessible financial education to the blind community.

Over the past year, Gena and I have developed a wonderful friendship. She’s seen firsthand the quality of our work and how dedicated we are to supporting the blind community. Gena chose to support us not just because of our mission, but because she believes in the quality and hard work we bring to the table. Her donation is more than just financial support; it’s a vote of confidence in what we’re doing.

Join Gena in Making a Difference

Gena’s generous donation is just the beginning. It’s a stepping stone for growth, and now, we’re ready to take our mission even further with your help. By donating securities to Penny Forward, you’re investing in a future where financial education is accessible to all, regardless of sight. Your support will help us build a resilient foundation that will empower the blind community for decades to come.

Are you interested in making a lasting impact? It’s easy! Just visit our donation page at www.pennyforward.com/donate to learn more about how you can contribute through securities. Your donation isn’t just a gift; it’s a legacy that will continue giving.

Spread the Word

Even if you’re not an investor with appreciated securities to donate, you can still make a huge difference. By telling your friends and family about our new donation option, you can help us spread the word and grow our community of supporters. Every bit of support helps, whether it’s a direct donation or simply sharing our mission with others.

Your support is not just appreciated; it’s transformative. Together, we can pave the way for a financially inclusive world where everyone has the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. So let’s join hands, share this exciting news, and make a lasting impact on the lives of so many.

Thank you for being a part of the Penny Forward family. Your generosity and support mean the world to us. Let’s continue to build something amazing together!

With gratitude and excitement,

Chris Peterson, AFC®
Founder and CEO, Penny Forward

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