An Invitation to Shape the Future: Our Journey to Greatness Begins!

A Message from Penny Forward Founder and CEO Chris Peterson

Hello, Penny Forward community!

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the same excitement and gratitude that I have right now. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to every one of you who participated in our community engagement summit last month. Your dedication and passion have truly inspired us all.

Over those three weeks, we embarked on an incredible journey together. We worked side by side with our dedicated board members to define the very core of who we are as Penny Forward. We outlined our mission, crystallized our vision, and laid down the guiding principles that will steer us in the right direction. We also set ambitious goals for the next three years that will drive us forward with purpose and determination.

But that’s not all. Your invaluable input also helped us identify the crucial steps we must take to turn these dreams into reality. It’s a testament to the strength and brilliance of this community that we could come together and make such progress in such a short time.

I am ecstatic to announce that some of the suggestions you made during the summit are so brilliant, so fundamental, that we simply couldn’t wait to implement them. So today, I’m thrilled to share with you one of these game-changers that is available right now. This is a feature that will not only help us grow but also allow us to become even better at what we do.

Starting today, when you visit, you’ll find a brand-new addition that we’re incredibly proud of – our Testimonials page. This page is a place where you can read about the real experiences of Penny Forward members, just like you. It’s an opportunity for our community to share their honest opinions and stories about Penny Forward.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Teresa Christian for being the first to contribute her testimonial. Teresa, your support means the world to us, and we’re honored to have your voice as part of our story.

But here’s the exciting part – this is just the beginning! We invite every one of you to join Teresa and share your own experiences with Penny Forward. Simply select the “Add Testimonial” button on our Testimonials page, and let your voice be heard. Your testimonials will serve a dual purpose.

Firstly, they will help us spread the word about Penny Forward. Your experiences are our best marketing tool, and we may use your testimonials in various materials, from handouts to online ads and social media posts.

Secondly, and just as importantly, your feedback will help us improve. We acknowledge that, despite our best efforts, there may be individuals who haven’t had the experience they expected. We believe in the power of constructive criticism, and we are committed to using your feedback to enhance our programs. We’ll make sure to keep you in the loop when we make changes based on your valuable insights.

In conclusion, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for being an essential part of the Penny Forward journey. Our success is built on your trust, your dedication, and your support. So, I urge you to embrace our new Testimonials feature and help us spread the word about the wonderful work we’re doing. And, of course, let us know how we can do even better.

Thank you for being part of the Penny Forward family. Together, there’s nothing we can’t achieve.

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