Wednesday Workshop: You Need a Budget (YNAB)

Date and Time



1 hour


Special Public YNAB Workshop

Welcome to our one-hour YNAB workshop! Dive into YNAB’s core principles and features with representatives, participate in a lively Q&A, and share your unique experiences. We’re excited to introduce the collaboration with Penny Forward. Gratitude to all participants, and let’s explore future financial journeys together!


What to expect

  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
  2. Welcome and Opening Remarks
  3. Introduce YNAB Representatives
  4. Introduction of Penny Forward Representatives
  5. Brief Overview of Workshop Agenda
  6. YNAB Overview by Representatives (30 minutes)
  7. Introduction to YNAB
  8. What is YNAB (You Need A Budget)?
  9. Core Principles of YNAB
  10. YNAB Features and Benefits
  11. Budgeting Basics
  12. Real-time Tracking
  13. Goal Setting
  14. Reporting and Insights
  15. Demonstration
  16. Walkthrough of YNAB interface
  17. Examples of budget creation and tracking

III. Q&A Session (15 minutes)

  1. Participants can ask questions to YNAB representatives
  2. Addressing general queries
  3. Sharing Experiences (15 minutes)
  4. Participants share their experiences with YNAB
  5. Focus on successes, challenges, and tips
  6. Encourage participants to discuss how they’ve adapted YNAB for their needs
  7. Closing Remarks (10 minutes)
  8. Thank YNAB Representatives
  9. Acknowledge Participants
  10. Next Steps and Resources
  11. Additional YNAB resources
  12. Information on upcoming events or workshops
  13. Penny Forward’s Collaboration with YNAB and Future Initiatives

Remember this one workshop event is open to the blind community, and we encourage you to share this email privately, with your network.


Zoom Information

**One Time Event Link**

If you did not receive the the meeting information and would like to, email us!


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