Together Towards Tomorrow: Penny Forward’s Path to Success

Date and Time



1 hour


We are delighted to invite you to join us for a special celebration of Penny Forward and the success we’ve had in bringing financial education to the blind community so far. Additionally, we will be unveiling our highly anticipated three-year strategic plan!

Throughout the month of September, many of you actively participated in a community engagement summit, where we collectively defined our mission, vision, guiding principles, goals, and the essential first steps towards our shared aspirations.

Now, the moment we’ve all been eagerly waiting for has arrived. Please save the date for October 18th, at 7:30 PM Eastern, 6:30 PM Central, 5:30 PM Mountain, and 4:30 PM Pacific. We will come together to unveil the comprehensive strategy that will guide Penny Forward to success through 2027.

This event is not only a platform for celebrating Penny Forward’s dedicated efforts but also an opportunity to recognize the valuable contributions of each member of our community. Penny Forward is a collective effort, and your support has been instrumental in our achievements.

However, our journey doesn’t conclude with this celebration. We aim to foster continued collaboration within our community. During the event, we will engage in meaningful discussions on how we can work together to ensure the long-term success of Penny Forward.

We eagerly anticipate your presence and your valuable insights at this significant event. Together, we can help each other build brighter futures one penny at a time.


Join the discussion

A reminder containing the Zoom link will be sent to all members and supporters at 6:00 AM Central time on Wednesday, October 18th. Please subscribe to one of the email lists below to receive this invitation.

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