ACB Vendor Showcase

Date and Time



June 21st

We will be heard during the noon hour (central time zone.) This is the final hour in the 3 hour spread.


From ACB

If you can’t wait to hear from the vendors participating in the American Council of the Blind conference and convention exhibit hall join us for our vendor showcase!  Hear from our vendors, as they talk about what they will have at their booth and discuss any convention specials.  The vendor showcase will be available via zoom to all convention registrants and also will be streamed on ACB media . Read on for the exhibit hall play list. If time allows at the end of each hour the vendors speaking during that hour will be happy to answer your questions.


Hour #3 12:00 Pm – 1:00 PM (central time)
1. IRS
3. Q&G Premium Products
4. ViewPlus Technologies
5. CVS Pharmacy
6. Couch to Active
7. Blind Girl Designs
8. Penny Forward


To Access

To receive the Zoom information, you will need to be registered for the convention.

You will also be able to listen on ACB Media.



