Book review: Power your happy: work hard, play nice, and build your dream life By Lisa Sugar

Power your happy: work hard, play nice, and build your dream life

by Lisa Sugar


MOe’s Thoughts

I chose this book to read for our Love Your Budget theme for Feb. Although this isn’t a strictly Financial book, as we stressed often in the month of Feb. How we look at things, and the way we talk about them has a lot to do with the outcomes we get. I feel this book did display a lot of evidence to this thinking. After all, the best way to be excited about our finances is to be happy about what we are doing, and setting our goals on our priorities.

Lisa, (the author,) comes to this book with a lot of energy. Even though this book was not read by the author, you could still feel the energy pulsing through the pages.

Over all I think this is a great book to start to lift your spirits. Although not directly a financial based book, many of the strategies mentioned in the book apply to making you marketable in the workplace, which leads to a life you can better enjoy and control. The author covers things like good job readiness techniques and interview tactics. She also covers her short time in the job market and how she moved out to owning her own job and how she looks for people to add to her team. She sounds to have a very work heavy based life style, however when you do what you love, I can see where she has found for her the perfect work life blend. Since she loves her work so much, there is very little in this book that doesn’t relate back to work in some aspect.

The not so great part of this book is the author is a bit hard to relate to. She even admits her lack of struggle in life. I think this may be partially because she is so upbeat and outgoing, but it makes it harder for someone like myself who is more down to earth and introverted to relate to many of the just go out there attitude of the book. One more thing that is hard to relate to, is the author seems to have a never ending money supply that solves many of her issues even if she doesn’t realize it. Attitudes like, need more time with your family, hire someone to do all the work that takes you away from them, for example. The whole book really doesn’t mention money, but it is an underlying theme that she hasn’t been financially strapped so these things are easy for her.

Another great part of this book is each chapter ends with some questions for you to do self-reflection with. Things like; what do you want to spend a chunk of money on? Where do you see yourself in 2 years? The most important person I can learn from is? What mini goal will I accomplish each week? And so on. There is also a bucket list of ideas at the end of the book, although these seem pretty based on the authors personality, it is still a great list to jump off with your own ideas; develop a few questions you can ask in any situation, save up for something on your wish list, and learn to cook something passed down in your family, to name a few more broad ones.

“Power Your Happy,” is a great book for getting your mind flowing in how you can make small improvements to your life over time to get what you want out of it. Many of the tips and tricks relate back to our working life blend, which causes us to make more as we are happier and more confident employees. This book is great for someone just getting out in the job market as well as those looking for a change from where they are today. The author has a very up beat personality that comes across in the way this book is written. I enjoyed it even if I could not always relate back to how the author looked at life.


Book Details


Power your happy: work hard, play nice, and build your dream life



Lisa Sugar



5 hours 30 min (on NLS BARD, not read by author)

251 pages


Find it Here

NLS BARD Audio Book: DBC 19652


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