Hi *|FNAME|*,


Group Chat Reminder

Please join us at 7:30 PM Eastern/6:30 PM Central/5:30 PM Mountain/4:30 PM Pacific, for tonight’s members only group chat using the Zoom information below.


Mastering Your Money: Strategies for Overcoming Greed in Financial Decision-Making

We are excited to invite you to our members-only group chat this week, where we will be discussing the topic of “Greed” and Its Influence on Financial Decision Making.

In this chat, we will explore the psychological underpinnings of greed and how it can manifest in financial decision-making, as well as the negative financial consequences of greed such as overspending and debt. We will also highlight the impact of greed on relationships, both personal and professional, and emphasize the importance of avoiding greed to achieve financial stability and success.

We will provide strategies for recognizing and overcoming greedy tendencies, and discuss the importance of setting financial goals and practicing financial discipline.

We’ll also leave plenty of time to talk about anything else on your mind, so feel free to bring up any other topics or concerns you have related to personal finance.

This is a great opportunity to reflect on your own financial habits and make any necessary changes. We hope you can join us for this insightful discussion.


Join the discussion

Penny Forward is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Penny Forward Members-Only Discussion
Time: This is a recurring meeting.
7:30 PM Eastern/6:30 PM Central/5:30 PM Mountain/4:30 PM Pacific

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 5294 4068
Passcode: 927140
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Meeting ID: 813 5294 4068
Passcode: 927140
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc4ukGCMyC


Trouble getting in?

If for any reason you can not get in with the shown link above, please let us know by emailing pennyforward@pennyforward.com.

You can also go to your members area and find the link towards the bottom of the page.


Chris Peterson
President and CEO, Penny Forward
Blind People Building Bright Futures One Penny At A Time
Email: chris@pennyforward.com
Phone: (888) 332-5558

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